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What's New?
Updated over a week ago

UPDATE 2.1.0

Image occlusion

This feature allows you to test your knowledge by hiding specific parts of an image, turning them into flashcards for quick and effective learning. Take a look at how it works:

Library trending searches

We significantly upgraded the search functionality! Now, when you search for new decks, you’ll see a list of the most popular queries from the past 24 hours, helping you discover trending and relevant content with ease.

Loading flashcards ahead in learning mode and preview

We've set up cards, including images, to preload in advance, ensuring seamless study sessions without delays between revisions in learning mode or preview.

Other improvements

New alerts when closing tab with learning mode on web and when closing tab with card edit mode on web.

Currently working on

Deck publishing
We are working on updating the deck publishing logic that allows users to share their own decks to the library, helping to expand our collection with high-quality content. The initial version includes a simple submission process, basic moderation, and a motivation mechanism to encourage users to contribute their decks.

UPDATE 2.0.0

Offline learning

This feature allows you to download your cards and study them wherever you go! Absence of the internet connection when travelling or commuting will no longer stop you from flashcards revisions.

Right click actions

We've added a new web feature for decks: right-click to quickly access actions such as creating sub-decks, moving decks, and deleting them.

Contact us menu on web

On the web, you'll find a small “?” icon at the bottom right corner. This button provides quick access to various helpful resources, including our support team, the Help Center, the What’s New page for updates, and even our Instagram for a dose of memes (because you deserve a laugh).

Currently working on

We've made significant improvements to our pre-made decks library, but there's still more to come! Currently, we are working on implementing a trending searches list with the ability to search by selected trends. Additionally, we're updating the library homepage with a horizontal list of deck categories, it's going to look like this soon:


Duplicate cards and decks

You can now create duplicates of your cards and decks, whether they're from your library or shared with you. This allows you to modify the copied items as much as you like—the only limit is your commitment to excellence!

Deck re-ordering

In the top right corner, you'll see a small pen icon. Clicking it will enable re-ordering mode, where each deck will display a special block on the left side. Use this block to drag and reposition your decks as you wish.

Card preview

Enhance your card browsing experience with our easy preview feature! This feature simulates a learning mode where you can swipe through your cards and Select, Edit, Move, Freeze, or Delete them directly from the preview.

Currently working on

Image occlusion
Image Occlusion (IO) will give an opportunity to hide information on pictures and improve your experience with learning visual information.

We have already developed an IO builder that allows you to create masks, enabling you to hide specific parts of an image that you want to learn. It will released as an experiment in the next update.

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